Dedicated Server Hosting Compared With VPS And Shared Hosting

Dedicated Server Hosting Compared With VPS And Shared Hosting

VPS  Shared Hosting

If you do not like to share facilities with other people because of various reasons such as privacy, security, more space to do your activities and hold more of your items and do more of your tasks faster due to the fact that you are not sharing, then you are a company that will surely identify with owning a dedicated server hosting service on the web. So what, you may ask is a dedicated server web hosting? It is an internet hosting service which enables the user to lease a whole server with no one else using the resources therein for their activities. These resources include time, memory, hardware and operating system. Having a dedicated server hosting enables the owner to be more flexible and do much more than people who are on shared hosting or Virtual Private Server or VPS.

Shared web hosting enables many websites to be hosted on one server that is connected to the website. However each site has its own section so that no other websites interact or interfere with the others hosted therein. It is much cheaper in that the many sites sharing the same server cost share in the maintenance of the server. The limitation with shared web hosting is that you will not have lots of memory to host your activities and faster speeds to accommodate your tasks. If therefore you do not have many activities going on in your site, you can opt for shared web hosting. Virtual private server web hosting on the other hand can be said to be the upgrade for a shared hosting and down grade of a dedicated server hosting.

A Virtual Private Server like a shared web hosting service, has shared resources but more memory and time are allocated to each host thereby giving the sites a more flexible platform with more space and resources to do a lot more than the sites on shared server. It only differs from the dedicated server hosting in that it has other websites on the server. For a site that needs the space and flexibility of a dedicated server web hosting and the minimized costs of a shared server, the Virtual Private Server is the way to go.

Entities that could benefit from a dedicated server web hosting include those with highly complex databases, huge volume web sites or need a high performance flexible server they can control and manipulate to their diverse and various needs. Large business enterprises or non- profits could benefit most. Virtual Private servers could benefit blogs, high traffic websites and those with complex web application needs while a shared server would be precise for small businesses, web designers and bloggers.

When compared to shared hosting or virtual private server hosting, having dedicated server hosting gives overall benefits that will give one a high return on investment when properly utilized to enhance business activities and strategies in the long run. So one should make the right choice before choosing the most convenient web server for their needs.


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